Well, here at the Mini Pie Revolution HQ, we know that Valentine’s Day requires tarts of a different kind. Grandmothers everywhere would not lie – the stomach leads to the heart, and nothing inspires love like a filled pastry crust. For Valentine's Day, we want to see your sweetest tarts!
“But what are tarts?” you ask. “What’s the difference between tarts and pie?”
Tarts, being sexy little things, like to go topless. Some tarts leave a little more to the imagination with strategically placed whipped cream or garnishes. No tart likes complete coverage!
As per the Mini Pie Revolution’s definition, mini tarts should be baked in mini-cupcake or mini-muffin tins, but you can use tartlette pans, too. A mini tart should be a single one or two-bite serving, but we’re not size-ists here at The Mini Pie Revolution HQ – we're not going to pull out tape measures!
Tips and fun facts:
You can find crust recipes and "cheats" in our sidebar, along with other helpful information. Check out the round-up of our last event to see just how adorable a mini tart (or pie) can be!
The smell of lavender and pumpkin pie is said to increase male arousal (from the, erm, baseline state) by 40%.
For women the most arousing scent is Good and Plenty candies and cucumber, with pumpkin pie coming in third, behind baby powder. (We at the Mini Pie Revolution HQ do not condone experimenting with baby powder in pies. Do what you will with the Good and Plenty and the cucumber.)
To enter:
Bake your mini tarts from scratch (they must be mini-sized). We want sweet tarts this time (as arousing as Rocky Mountain oysters are supposed to be, we don't want to see them in pie. Or anywhere, really).
Photograph your mini tarts and post about them on your blog, including a link back to this event announcement, before February 12. Feel free to use the logo in our sidebar, too, if you like. Then email Ann (at redactedrecipes@gmail.com) or Karyn (at Kosmicfish27ATaolDOTcom) the following:
- A 100 X 100 mini tart portrait
- Brief description of your mini tart (just the name of the recipe and a one-liner about why it's special is fine)
- The title of your blog and a link to your blog
- A link to your mini pie entry
- Make sure your e-mail's subject head is "The Mini Pie Revolution" Please send us your entry by Midnight EST on February 12, and we will post the results on Valentine's Day.
Note: during the last event a lot of our mini pie bakers neglected to email us. We found a lot of posts through technorati, but very likely missed some, so please, please, please do send us the requested information!
Thanks to Andrew of Spitoon Extra for making sure this event is listed at Is My Blog Burning?
I'd rather be a tart than pie any day, Much more fun! Really good writing on this piece Ann.
Lisa at Lisa Teague Studios
First one here...PHEW! Thank you Ann for letting me know it was time for the event. Sounds great. Just a couple of questions...any shape will do? And is it limited to just 1 entry?
Thanks & cheers
Oh, how fun! I can't wait to join in. :)
Lisa, the post was a joint venture, so now you owe Karyn a compliment, too! :-)
Deeba, glad you're going to be joining us! Any shape is fine (we all know that tarts come in lots of shapes!). Just one entry, please, though of course your "one entry" could be an assortment of tarts. :-)
chou, welcome to the revolution!
Great stuff, will be flying the flag for gluten free tarts everywhere. I love a tart me - so count me in!
Who you callin' a tart?
I have some plans for a Meyer lemon and almond tart...I hope that I don't get lazy and not make it (I have a tendency to do that).
hmm no full coverage?? so Meringue is out huh lol hmm may have to come up with an idea ;) bust out those mini tart pans hehe
Hi Ann/Karyn,
My topless tarts are up & running!! HA HA!! Loved doing them. Have sent you a mail. The link is http://passionateaboutbaking.blogspot.com/2008/01/sweet-affairs-of-heartsmall-tarts-have.html
Cheers...have a hearty round-up.Deeba
Hi Ann and Karyn,
I just sent an email (to Ann)with my entry-- at almost the last minute.
Thanks! manuela
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I was sure this would be a nice way to introduce myself!
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